Some random thoughts, as I can't seem to come up with a coherent, cohesive post right now in the doldrums of winter . . . .
I want to read "Meditations in an Emergency" by Frank O'Hara because Don Draper was reading it after he saw some guy at a bar reading it on an episode of Mad Men.
Why do people ride friggin bikes in the winter? I mean, we drviers can hardly get by on some roads with two cars parked on either side and you want to share the road? Isn't it kinda dangerous for everyone involved? Take the T!

Oscar noms are out and boy do I have some work to do! I'm going to see in no particular order: Slumdog Millionaire, Frost/Nixon, Milk, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (I HATE that title), The Wrestler, Doubt, Revolutionary Road, Frozen River, The Reader, and The Visitor. It happens to me every year--I think I have plenty of time in the Fall when all the good Oscar-worthy movies come out, but not this year. I started a new job, so that's my excuse. If I have time I'll see Tropic Thunder, The Dark Night, Changeling, Rachel Getting Married (not a fan of Anne Hathaway) and Vicky Cristina Barcelona.
My neighbors are driving me crazy. I think I'll save that for another post, but suffice it to say, they start to stir at 4:30 every morning (I just ordered a sound machine because my fan is too cold in the winter), they clomp around heavy footed CONSTANTLY, and don't even get me started on the woman's screaming her husband's name: "Bob!" Okay, I'm a bitch. But I get cranky if I don't get enough sleep.
The days are getting noticeably longer -- even just for a few minutes a day . YAY! I am sooooo psyched.
I am also psyched to be going to Seattle in three weeks to see two of my very best friends--Kara and Kate. Why do all but one of my best friends live so far away? It really sucks that we (I) didn't have the foresight to "settle down" near each other. ... I AM flying on Friday the 13th! . . . . . . . . . I'm not superstitious (much). I just won't walk under ladders, but I own a black cat. I knock on wood, but I don't hold my breath going by graveyards or pull my feet off the floor when driving over railroad tracks. I'm a menu superstitious person. Just like I'm sort of a menu Catholic. Very sort of.
I miss Joaquin Phoenix!!! He looks terribly bloated in the latest issue of US Weekly, and rocking an awful, Chris Robinson full beard. I would still quit my job to be his girlfriend, though.
I am a little bored with running. I have got to find something, though, because I'm still 10-15 pounds away from my goal . . . maybe I will try spinning.
Baseball season is so very close -- there was an ad on TV for tickets going on sale at Fenway, and it features one of the two guys you see at every home game right behind home plate. It's the one who sometimes wears turtlenecks and has a middle part. Jed Lowrie is in it, too. He's straight out of the 40s that guy, isn't he? Look at his hair and how he wears his pants. I'm going to a Spring training game with my sisters on March 28 -- I'm psyched to see the game, the City of Palms Park and the boys, even if they are a bunch of white guys and Papi.
I downloaded Womanizer. I feel so cheesy, especially as a teacher. Ah, guilty pleasures!
Any Top Chef fans? Any guesses on who will win the season?? I know my least favorites are Hosea and Leah. I would be happy with Fabio or Stefan or the blond chick with all the tattoos whose name escapes me at this moment. Not Carla, the hippie (sending her desserts out with love?!). Jeff's ok, too.
L O S T is back!! I am very excited for the new season, but I hate watching only one episode at a time. The Closer is back on on Monday. These will keep me going until Mad Men comes back on.
I watch a lot of TV, don't I? Maybe that's why I don't have time for Oscar-worthy movies . . . ?!?
I do read, too. I just read Forgotten Fire about the Armenian genocide, and am reading Lord of the Flies for the first time. It is very flawed; I can't really defend it when the kids complain. I am also reading Bill Bryson's history/biography of Shakespeare. It's funny, because he is, but it's taking me a bit to get through it, just because there's so much else on my plate.
Birthday coming up in a couple of weeks -- I'm thinking of ignoring it. That doesn't mean I don't want presents, though. Just kidding. Sort of.
Okay, next time will be a more well-crafted (as much I can) post. Promise.
Welcome Back.
Have missed your blog.
Happy early birthday, be sure to celebrate.
Take care.
i was so excited for Lost, but then found about 5 minutes into it, I was completely confused. I think I will have to watch it again, that might help. I'm so glad its back though...
i like your random post. obviously though, i am not one for well- crafted ones though :)
I got married on Friday the 13th - it's no big deal. You could always ask Chesley "Sully" Sullenburger to pilot your plane.
FYI - I hated spinning b/c my legs were the only part of me that felt like they were getting a workout.
And Matt's dad got his first iPod this Christmas (he's in his 60s) and the first song he downloaded was Womanizer!
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